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Bookish Thoughts

I love reading! I read books about anything, any time, any place.

Christmas at the Cupcake Cafe - Jenny Colgan | Review

Christmas at the Cupcake Café - Jenny Colgan

I was actually a little disappointed in this book.


I read Book #1 'Meet me at The Cupcake Café' and absolutely loved it! The characters were fun and engaging, the plot moved quickly and ended well. Jenny Colgan created a witty novel, with fun and excitement - the perfect chick lit novel.


This book was a different matter entirely. The story picks up about a year after the first novel. The Cupcake Café is thriving and our loveable characters are still present.


I don't want to write too much through fear of spoiling the first novel for those of you who may not have read it. This just felt less structured and engaging as the first. Some of the characters lost their spark, and became frustrating and boring. The 'to-ing and fro-ing' of the main protagonists also wore a little thin and the 'will they, wont they?' plot line was slightly overdone.


I have heard many people rave about this book, so please don't let this put you off. I just didn't enjoy it nearly as much as the first one! 


Let me know if you have read either of these novels? Did you enjoy them?